
Þetta eru góðar fréttir fyrir lýðræðið í landinu...en ég hvet alla stuðningsmenn Ólafs að fara á kjörstað og kjósa okkar mann...hann er eini sem getur staðið vaktina um lýðræðið í landinu..stjórnmálastéttinni er ekki treystandi til þess að fara með mál á þinginu..og þess vegna verðum við að hafa mann sem er tilbúinn að leggja stór mál í hendur þjóðar sinnar!! Afgerandi forysta Ólafs Ragnars
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1 Smámynd: Ásthildur Cesil Þórðardóttir

Já ég mun svo sannarlega fara og kjósta.

Ásthildur Cesil Þórðardóttir, 28.6.2012 kl. 22:48

2 Smámynd: Ægir Óskar Hallgrímsson


Ægir Óskar Hallgrímsson, 28.6.2012 kl. 23:33

3 identicon

The guy that said ..... we will not pay " Icesave" at 1.4%... AND YOU ALL AGREED!!!

You are now paying "Icesave" at 3.7%.

Err.....Is there something wrong somewhere?

Maltblossom (IP-tala skráð) 28.6.2012 kl. 23:37

4 identicon

Maltblossom is an idiot who doesn't understand principle, democracy, collonialism, facism and the bigger picture here. We didn't pay and we won't pay, to contribute to the end of national debt as a concept per se (see National debt is THE greatest source of famine, hunger and infant mortality in the world, but the powers now running the EU will be brought to their knees by an upcoming worldwide revolution and third world revault. Then Iceland and the other powers of the Northern Union will be glad we are on the right side. The world is about the be returned to it's rightful owners, who are the eldest sibling and guiding light of all mankind, and they will not allow racial inequality and oppression of the European powers to continue to exist. A just, new world is rising. Iceland will be save because of not allowing the Euros to oppress us either, thus setting a good example...I am not sure you will be, however.

NWO is coming...Be warned. (IP-tala skráð) 29.6.2012 kl. 01:10

5 identicon

And be warned at last. Do not mess with Iceland. There is a reason we won two wars against Britain. There is a great power on our side and we have a role to play in tomorrow's world which was mapped out for us a long time ago. Run away and do not harm us, while you still have the chance.

NWO is coming...Be warned. (IP-tala skráð) 29.6.2012 kl. 01:13

6 identicon Smá skemmtiefni, um að gera að linka á þetta fyrir kjördag ... facebook og svona :)

E (IP-tala skráð) 29.6.2012 kl. 03:15

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